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“Healing takes time and asking for help is a courageous step.


Physical health is just as important as mental health; make sure you treat both with the necessary care and treatment. 

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If you ever think you may be dealing with depression or an anxiety disorder, alert a trusted adult or parent and make an appointment with your family physician or school counselor. Also, if school seems to be overwhelming you, be sure to notify the counselor and your parents. 

Image by National Cancer Institute


Image by Sharon McCutcheon
Therapy Session


Many doctors may prescribe medication as a form of treatment. Antidepressants don't necessarily cure depression or anxiety, but they can help relieve symptoms by affecting different brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. They can take 2 to 6 weeks to work and can also have side effects, making it important to watch for these and talk to your doctor if you notice any. 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This is a popular form of talk therapy that has proved to be very effective. By talking with a psychotherapist, you will recognize negative thoughts and behavioral patterns in your life, which in turn help you create a new perception and way of thinking towards the situation; you will then become more readily equipped to cope and address the symptoms. CBT lies on the belief that unhealthy thoughts, perceptions, and actions fuel psychological issues and when combined with medication usually produce the best results.


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